Interrupted Harvest Re-enactment. Fort Klock. NY. 2018
Understanding the experience of the United Empire Loyalists and others swept up in the American Revolution often requires historical research. While primary records and Loyalist accounts can fill in some of the details, further research is needed to more fully understand the complexities of the war that created the United Empire Loyalists – a war often referred to as a civil war.
The following historical research links relate to before, during, and after the American Revolution to provide context.
Atlantic Canada Virtual Archives Includes: Edward Winslow Letters 1783-1785 (Loyalist); Loyalist Women of New Brunswick 1783-1827; Black Loyalists of New Brunswick 1783-1854; and more.
Sketches Illustrating the Early Settlement and History of Glengarry in Canada by J. A. MacDonell (1983)
Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC)
The Papers of Sir William Johnson – Archive.org
Three Rivers, Hudson, Mohawk, Schoharie: History from America’s most famous valleys
Online Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
Lunenburg or the Old Eastern District (pub.1890; Eastern Ontario) – Archive.org “Pringle created a comprehensive history of the old Eastern District when he wrote this acclaimed account of pre-settlement and the first 100 years thereafter.”
Loyalists’ Centennial Souvenir (New Brunswick). Published 1887 (Archive.org)
Loyalist Kingston (Cataraqui Archeaological Research Foundation)
City of Johnstown, NY (History)
Loyalists of North Carolina (NCpedia)
Excavation of the Storm Wreck – (St. Augustine Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program – LAMP) Loyalist-era shipwreck in Florida
“The Storm Wreck is a colonial-era shipwreck discovered by LAMP archaeologists in the summer of 2009…In 2012 the discovery of two military buttons, including one from the 71st Regiment of the British Army, proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the Storm Wreck was indeed one of the lost ships from the last fleet to evacuate Charleston.” Historical Background:   St. Augustine, the American Revolution, and the Loyalist Influx
American Revolutionary War: BritishBattles.com
The site also includes other historical British conflicts, numerous American Revolution engagements, these are two examples of what is available on this site:
- Seige of Charleston (SC) (BritishBattles.com): “The siege and capture of Charleston, capital of South Carolina, by the British on 12th May 1780″
- Seige of Savannah (Georgia) (BritishBattles.com): “The unsuccessful attempt by the Americans and the French to re-take Savannah, Georgia, on 9th October 1779″
Historical Maps
 Provincial Crown Grant Maps. New Brunswick. Click “Grant Reference Plan (GRP) Viewer” (8th link on list)
Ontario Historical County Maps Project (University of Toronto). 19th Century Maps.
The Canadian County Atlas Digital Project (McGill University)
The Changing Shape of Ontario (Ont.Gov)
Maps Collection (McMaster University)
Counties of Prescott and Russell, and Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry (McMaster University)
Map Archive (Canadian Geographic)
Maps: 1667-1999 (Library and Archives Canada)
Free Online Publications
 Journal of the American Revolution
Historic Ipswich Blog (link to Loyalist story to show how to Follow the Blog)