This page will grow to include UE Loyalists found in history books, and those only found in the family trees of their descendants. Please submit profiles you would like to see included on this page. CONTACT US!
UE Loyalist Profiles (Alphabetical Order)
Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold – Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Why Benedict Arnold Turned Traitor Against the American Revolution – Smithsonian Magazine
Colonel John Butler
John Butler – Dictionary of Canadian Biography
John Butler – Early Canada Historical Narratives
Niagara’s History Unveiled: Col. John Butler (article)
Joseph Thayendanegea Brant
Joseph Thayendanegea Brant – Dictionary of Canadian Biography

“The Three Faces of Molly Brant” (Iroquois, European, Loyalist)
Molly Konwatsitsiaienni Brant
Molly Konwatsitsiaienni Brant – Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Molly Brant – Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation
Molly Brant, Heroine of the People – Mysteries of Canada

John Burgoyne
General John Burgoyne
John Burgoyne – Dictionary of Canadian Biography

National Archives of Canada #C-002833.
Sir Guy Carleton – Lord Dorchester
Guy Carleton, 1st Baron Dorchester – Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Biography of Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester – Histoire du Quebec
Sir Frederick Haldimand
Sir Frederick Haldimand – Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Sir John Johnson
Sir John Johnson – Dictionary of Canadian Biography
History of Sir John Johnson – Sir John Johnson Branch UELAC
Sir William Johnson
Sir William Johnson – Dictionary of Canadian Biography
The Regime of Sir William Johnson (1755-74) – Parks Canada
part of paper entitled: The British Indian Department and the Frontier in North America, 1755 – 1830 by Robert S. Allen)
Misc Profiles: